If you contribute to a retirement fund (pension fund, provident fund, preservation fund or retirement annuity fund), then this resource is for you. The information contained herein aims to explain how the new Two-Pot System works and how your retirement contributions will be allocated from 1 September 2024. This resource further delves into your rights and responsibilities, common questions and the complaints process including who you can contact if you need more information.
DM Live Journalism Webinar: What's cooking with the two-pot retirement reform?
What, Why & How - With Neesa Moodley (Personal Finance Editor), Wayne Hiller van Rensburg (The Institute of Retirement Funds Africa), Zareena Camroodien (FSCA). Click here to view.
SAFTU: Two-Pot Retirement System - With Ms. Zareena Camroodien
In collaboration with SAFTU, the Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) held a webinar with workers on the newly legislated Two-Pot Retirement System. Click here to view.
Two-Pot System - 25 June 2024
Two-Pot Brochure