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If you contribute to a retirement fund (pension fund, provident fund, preservation fund or retirement annuity fund), then this resource is for you. The information contained herein aims to explain how the new Two-Pot System works and how your retirement contributions will be allocated from 1 September 2024. This resource further delves into your rights and responsibilities, common questions and the complaints process including who you can contact if you need more information.​


DM Live Journalism Webinar: What's cooking with the two-pot retirement reform?

What, Why & How - With Neesa Moodley (Personal Finance Editor), Wayne Hiller van Rensburg (The Institute of Retirement Funds Africa), Zareena Camroodien (FSCA). Click here​ to view.​

SAFTU: Two-Pot Retirement System - With Ms. Zareena Camroodien

In collaboration with SAFTU, the Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) held a webinar with workers on the newly legislated Two-Pot Retirement System. Click here​ to view.​


Two-Pot System - 25 June 2024


Two-Pot Brochure​