2009 Compliance Reports
faiscomp1@fsb.co.za. Category I FSPS that are not large institutionsfaiscomp2@fsb.co.za. Category II FSPs and Forex Authorised FSPsfaiscomp3@fsb.co.za. Large institutional Category I FSPs as well as Category IIA FSPsfaiscomp4@fsb.co.za. Category III and IV FSPs
If you are registered and require an updated list of FSPs on your compliance officer number please complete the registration information on the registration page and click on �FSP list�. If you experience any problems with regards to you not being the compliance officer of a FSP or the year end of the FSP is incorrect, please send the enquiry to faispfc@fsb.co.za for assistance. Contact the FSB Call Centre on 0800 110 443 for further assistance.