Interactive (real-time) searches on the fund status, administrator status, approved valuators and the fund surplus status are available on the website as well as Excel spreadsheets (updated weekly) which can be downloaded with relevant information on funds and participating employers.
The Unclaimed Benefit Search Engine enables persons to do an enquiry on possible unclaimed benefits free of charge. This functionality may not be used by entities or persons to do tracing on behalf of persons for a fee.
Our services
The following data searches are available:
- Actuaries recognised as valuators – partial search on either the Valuator Name or Surname to search for a specific valuator
- Registered (active) funds (excel report) – a list of registered retirement funds with fund details contact details and principal officer of the retirement fund
- Deregistered funds (excel report) – a list of deregistered (cancelled) retirements funds with fund details
- Registered (active) participating employers (excel report) – a list of registered umbrella funds with details of the participating employers registered under these umbrella funds
- Deregistered participating employers (excel report) - a list of terminated participating employers per registered umbrella funds
- List of Registered Retirement Funds – partial search on either the Fund number or Fund’s Name to search for a specific Retirement Fund
- List of Approved Administrators – partial search on either the Administrator Number or the Administrator's Name to search for a specific Retirement Fund
- Unclaimed Retirement Benefits Search – A enquirer (person enquiring in respect of him/herself or on behalf of somebody else) should complete certain data fields such as name, surname, contact number or e-mail address. If a possible matching record(s) is identified, the enquirer will be provided with the name(s) and contact details of the administrator and/or fund(s).
- Surplus and Nil Schemes – partial search on either the Fund number or Fund Name to search if a specific Retirement Fund has submitted a Surplus scheme or a Nil scheme